Friday, April 29, 2011

10th Book. Plus, a new addition to the list.

I started my tenth book today (The Quiet American by Graham Greene). I ordered it from the library the night I finished my ninth book (Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison) and it arrived in the mail today. Have to say, I love the rural delivery of library books we have here in my province. The only library in the area (which is now closed due to funding cuts) had mainly housed romance novels, westerns by Louis L'Amour, etc., which is great if that is your cup of tea. But when you're looking for the kind of books that are on my list, the local library wasn't much help. The next library closest to my town is roughly 45 minutes away so having the books delivered to my door a few days after requesting them online is a godsend for this project. 

Also wanted to mention that I've added a new book to my list, making it the odd number of 151. The late addition is "The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter" by Carson McCullers. The reason for adding this book almost as an after-thought is because of the movie "A Love Song for Bobby Long" starring Scarlett Johansson and John Travolta, which I watched (again) the other night. This is a favorite movie of mine and one I hadn't watched since last fall, I don't think. The Carson McCullers book is featured in the film, with the theme song 'My Heart Is A Lonely Hunter (Lorraine's Song)' being slightly based on the book (or at least based on the fact that Travolta's character gave the book to Johansson's character's mother, Lorraine - with me so far?) While watching the movie the other night, I thought about my book project and wondered if I should go with this book next (I sort of rely on chance to pick my next read, rather then working through the list alphabetically - even asking friends or family to randomly give me a number between 1 and 150...well, 151 now, of course). When I checked my list, I realized that this book was not included (gasp!). I can't remember if I had a reason for excluding it - or if it was even on any of the original lists I formed my own list from. So, on the list it went, to be read at a later date.

Update: Mistakenly titled this post as "10th book" when actually, I'm only on my 8th book of my list. I was counting two chick-lit books I had read as well (The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls and Paint It Black by Janet Fitch - both excellent books, in case you're interested) but they aren't on my actual list, so shouldn't be listed in this blog/project. I'm not the most organized person and therefore mess up often. It's an endearing trait of mine. Learn to love it.

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